Saturday, December 3, 2011

From the good ship buckleyworks: Come on down to 3138 Chestnut Avenue, Hampden, Baltimore next Saturday 12.10, between 11am and 5pm and check out some artstuff and other local crafty people.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting the lab(s) flowing:

with our brand-spanking-old flat file find. Currently being used to re-classify and store recent unrealized ideas,
and with sweet new camera, soon to be documenting some artstuffs near you.

15 Skulls continued:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Currently in production

15 Skulls Sketch
15 Skulls Rough Cuts
KItchen Island Glue Up
Ghost Ships of Baltimore

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Recent and Up Close

Local Experts.

Local Deities.

Good Light courtesy of J. Fulcher over there yonder in Oddball Studios

Decent Light courtesy of bucklework(s) d/b lab(s)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Thanks to everyone who came on down Friday!

Special thanks to the proud new parents of some artstuffs: Capt. T Scruggs,, Julie and Max, Karl and Amy, Cory and Ethan, and Doug and Amy. Thanks to you guys a starving artist got to eat a big ol' sandwhich this weekend.

As always thanks to Leslie at In Watermelon Sugar who gives my goofy thoughts-in-wood a place to hang.

Commissions accepted. Good times had.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Godfathers of all things cool..

Just ran across this photo courtesy of the

I can't believe how many awesome things are happening in this photo: Bruce Brown, Robert August, and Mike Hinson, rocking the Mad Men stylie suits; Brown in what appear to be Jack Purcells, two big ol' logs, and surf travel. Dig it.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Seriously watch this one first. Or the other one. It doesn't matter. Either way; good stuff

Making of the Touch Wood commercial - 森の木琴

Watch either video first. Either way you'll be impressed. Someday buckleywork(s), someday.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Plank Testing with the Captain

That's right Frank PLankton fans; The plankin' season' is upon us.
Left Sweet Lady Baltimore early yesterday morning with Sweet D and Captain T. Scuggs in tow, to test some planks in the way too cool waters of the Atlantic.

Captain Tested. Captain approved. Good times had.

All of us here at Frank PLankton's HandPlanks [a division of Buckleyworks Design/Build Lab(s)] would like to thank the good Captain fer his R&D expertise and input. Stay tuned fer the Official Captain Model-T Plank coming this summer.